The Calendar below includes upcoming DFBF events and other interfaith events in Devon, and reports and photos of previous events. [There is a known bug in the calendar, and it may go blank if you try changing the date or the display view. Refreshing the page should show the new information.]
See also the Shap e-calendar of Religious Festivals, featuring dates and descriptions of festivals. It is an invaluable resource for the teaching profession, students, businesses, chaplaincies, those in health care and public services.
Event poster: Inherit_the_Truthv1
Inherit the Truth is a unique musical and cultural event to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day 2018, taking place in at Exeter Cathedral on 1st February 2018. Participants will have the opportunity to listen to Anita Lasker-Wallfisch who is one of the few surviving members of the Auschwitz orchestra. Anita will talk about how she survived the horrors of both Auschwitz and Belsen concentration camps. This will be accompanied by music from her son, Raphael, who is a world-renowned cellist. He will play music that was played in the camps and also music that was banned by the Nazis.
Bookings can be made through:
Corrymeela in Exeter
Mercy, Justice, Truth and Peace
An Interfaith conference, open to those of all faiths and beliefs and none
10.00am to 4.30pm 17 November
in the Alumni Auditorium, the Forum, Exeter University
Pádraig Ó Tuama is a poet, theologian, mediator and peace activist/educator. Since 2014, he has been the leader of the Corrymeela Community, Ireland’s oldest and pre–eminent organisation for peace and reconciliation. He grew up in Cork, and after a nomadic, highly creative decade in Switzerland, Australia, Lithuania, Uganda and the Philippines, he settled in Belfast in 2003. With a poet’s interest in storytelling, language, theology and conflict are among the dominant themes referenced in his work.
Pádraig writes poetry and prose, lectures, leads retreats, and is a frequent contributor to religious broadcasting across the British Isles. His published poetry and prose include In the Shelter, Sorry for your Troubles, Readings from the Books of Exile and Discovering the Spirit in the City. He is also a group worker and has worked with groups in Ireland, Britain, the US and Australia
Here is his TED talk:
And here is one of his poems:
Torbay Interfaith Forum invites you to
“Words, Faith and Action”
A talk by Captain Adrian Prescott of the Anglican Church Army
7.30pm Wednesday 9th January 2019
Quaker Meeting House
48 Tor Hill Road