The Calendar below includes upcoming DFBF events and other interfaith events in Devon, and reports and photos of previous events. [There is a known bug in the calendar, and it may go blank if you try changing the date or the display view. Refreshing the page should show the new information.]
See also the Shap e-calendar of Religious Festivals, featuring dates and descriptions of festivals. It is an invaluable resource for the teaching profession, students, businesses, chaplaincies, those in health care and public services.
4th February
How do Muslims anticipate the arrival of Ramadan?
Neomi Alam
The Mint Church, Fore St, Exeter
7.00pm Tues 18th February 2025
Free event
Booking here
In this talk, Professor Adam Jones will introduce his work on photographing sites and evidence of genocide and discuss the wider context of how photography has been so crucial in making society aware of instances of mass violence. There are nonetheless challenges with how the camera has been used in this context, and Jones’ talk will consider some of the complications of how the concept of genocide has developed alongside photography.
4th March
How do Druids use the ‘Wheel of the Year’ to guide their practice?
Belinda Twiggs
Schools, Colleges and Community Groups need skilled faith and belief speakers who can educate and inspire, sharing genuine ‘lived experience’.
This FREE COURSE, led by qualified professional trainers, will provide you with the understanding of what’s needed, giving you opportunities to develop your skills and build your confidence.
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6th May
What role does faith play in shaping ethical sexual relationships?
Susannah Cornwall
3rd June
Exploring narratives and storytelling in religious traditions
Cathy Potter
1st July
Summer party
2nd September
Exploring ideas and concepts about the stages of spiritual growth
Ed Pawson, Iain McDonald, Jude Taylorson
7th October
How does chanting lie at the centre of the Nichiren approach to Buddhist practice?
Billie Snowden