The Calendar below includes upcoming DFBF events and other interfaith events in Devon, and reports and photos of previous events. [There is a known bug in the calendar, and it may go blank if you try changing the date or the display view. Refreshing the page should show the new information.]
See also the Shap e-calendar of Religious Festivals, featuring dates and descriptions of festivals. It is an invaluable resource for the teaching profession, students, businesses, chaplaincies, those in health care and public services.
Saint Anne’s Church – junction of Old Tiverton Road and Blackboy Road, Exeter
Interfaith Perspectives on Human Rights
Rev Dr Edgar Mihas
Wednesday 11th December 2019 at 7.30pm
Friends’ (Quaker) Meeting House
48 Tor Hill Road
This month we have pleasure in welcoming back our previous Chair and longstanding member of the Torbay Interfaith Forum, Rev Dr Edgar Mihas. Rev Dr Mihas is an Ordained Interfaith Minister and a Language and Political Science lecturer and he will guide us through the topic of Interfaith Perspectives on Human Rights.
Interfaith Week 2020
How do faith traditions, activism and spiritual guidance inform expressions of spirituality for younger people today? How can young people of Gen Y and Z be supported and encouraged to develop new spiritual paths for contemporary society? How can greater understanding of Gen Y and Z spirituality inform Interfaith conversations and dialogue?
Join Dr. Justine Huxley, CEO at St. Ethelburga’s Centre for Reconciliation and Peace, in conversation with Sara Zaltash and Samson Hart, hosted by the University of Exeter Multifaith Chaplaincy. There will be a short panel talk followed by Q&A.
For more information and to register for this free event, visit
Interfaith prayers and reflections with the Baha’i community
7.00-8.00 pm Thurs 12th November
The Devon Bahá’ís community invites anyone who wishes to join them for a devotional gathering. Respect for other people’s faiths is absolutely central to our faith and we always welcome readings and prayers from other faiths. Our meetings are simple and informal, with participants simply taking it in turns to read a prayer or passage from scripture. So, all are welcome: please bring a prayer, a reading or just yourself.
Free event
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 847 2931 5797; Passcode: 389471
Creating Connections
When religion makes the news in the South West
Explore the way religion and worldviews are interwoven into society, as people from long standing and diverse communities share their stories and open the window into the world
Torbay Interfaith Group
Friday APRIL 22nd 7.30-9.00
Talk “Dharma- Our Heritage”. Hindu speaker Ravindra Nathwani
Paignton SNU Spiritualist Centre
Manor Corner, Manor Road, Preston, Paignton, Devon, TQ3 2JB