
The Calendar below includes upcoming DFBF events and other interfaith events in Devon, and reports and photos of previous events. [There is a known bug in the calendar, and it may go blank if you try changing the date or the display view. Refreshing the page should show the new information.]

See also the Shap e-calendar of Religious Festivals, featuring dates and descriptions of festivals. It is an invaluable resource for the teaching profession, students, businesses, chaplaincies, those in health care and public services.


DFBF Annual General Meeting @ The Guildhall
Jul 5 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Torbay Interfaith Forum @ Torquay Quaker Meeting House
Sep 12 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Wednesday 12th September 2018 at 7.30pm
Quaker Meeting House
The talk will be entitled: “Christian Communities in Conversation”
The speaker: Rev Jon Doble
Earth Matters, Faith Matters 9 @ Teign Valley
Oct 21 @ 11:00 am – 3:30 pm

Earth Matters Faith Matters 9

 Passion, Power and Perseverance

A visit to a renewable energy farm home in the Teign Valley near Newton Abbot

11.00am to 3.30pm Sunday 21 October


Mobile: 0797 4332023

Dying Matters conference @ Exeter Racecourse
Nov 9 @ 10:00 am – 3:15 pm

Dying matters: an interfaith conference on living and dying well


This conference will:

  • offer opportunities to engage with speakers from across the spectrum of faith and beliefs
  • be suitable for schools (in particular GCSE students) and is also open to the general public

This conference will bring together teachers, health professionals and members of diverse faith and belief communities to discuss: death and dying, the value of human life, end of life care, assisted death and palliative care. The talks and workshops will be linked to topics featured in GCSE Religious Studies specifications.

Torbay Interfaith Forum meeting @ Quaker Meeting House
Nov 14 @ 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Just a reminder about the next meeting of the Torbay Interfaith Forum which will take place during Interfaith Week – and a request for you to put the details on the DFBF website.
Wednesday 14th November 2018 at 7.30pm
Quaker Meeting House
48 Tor Hill Road
The talk will be entitled “My Connection with Judaism”
The Speaker: Sherridian Richard-James
Corrymeela in Exeter @ Alumni Auditorium
Nov 17 @ 10:00 am – 4:30 pm

Corrymeela in Exeter

Mercy, Justice, Truth and Peace

An Interfaith conference, open to those of all faiths and beliefs and none

10.00am to 4.30pm 17 November

in the Alumni Auditorium, the Forum, Exeter University

Pádraig Ó Tuama is a poet, theologian, mediator and peace activist/educator. Since 2014, he has been the leader of the Corrymeela Community, Ireland’s oldest and pre–eminent organisation for peace and reconciliation. He grew up in Cork, and after a nomadic, highly creative decade in Switzerland, Australia, Lithuania, Uganda and the Philippines, he settled in Belfast in 2003. With a poet’s interest in storytelling, language, theology and conflict are among the dominant themes referenced in his work.

Pádraig writes poetry and prose, lectures, leads retreats, and is a frequent contributor to religious broadcasting across the British Isles. His published poetry and prose include In the Shelter, Sorry for your Troubles, Readings from the Books of Exile and Discovering the Spirit in the City. He is also a group worker and has worked with groups in Ireland, Britain, the US and Australia

Here is his TED talk:

And here is one of his poems:

Corrymeela Worship in Exeter @ Exeter
Nov 18 @ 10:30 am – 12:00 pm

Pádraig Ó Tuama is leader of the Corrymeela community in Ireland. Please see details of his visit to Exeter below, which may be of interest…

Corrymeela in Exeter

17 – 18 Nov 2018 Exeter

Mercy, Justice, Truth and Peace

A Christian based service of worship on November 18 in Exeter. The keynote speaker and preacher is Pádraig Ó Tuama. 

Pádraig Ó Tuama is a poet, theologian, mediator and peace activist/educator. Since 2014, he has been the leader of the Corrymeela Community, Ireland’s oldest and pre–eminent organisation for peace and reconciliation. He grew up in Cork, and after a nomadic, highly creative decade in Switzerland, Australia, Lithuania, Uganda and the Philippines, he settled in Belfast in 2003. With a poet’s interest in storytelling, language, theology and conflict are among the dominant themes referenced in his work.

Pádraig writes poetry and prose, lectures, leads retreats, and is a frequent contributor to religious broadcasting across the British Isles. His published poetry and prose include In the Shelter, Sorry for your Troubles, Readings from the Books of Exile and Discovering the Spirit in the City. He is also a group worker and has worked with groups in Ireland, Britain, the US and Australia

Here is his TED talk:

And here is one of his poems:

Torbay Interfaith Forum Meeting @ Quaker Meeting House
Dec 12 @ 7:30 pm – 8:45 pm
Wednesday 12th December 2018 at 7.30pm
Quaker Meeting House
48 Tor Hill Road
The talk:  ‘Quakers in the Christian Mystical Tradition’
                – a talk written by my F(f)riend T. Roy Dutton, who passed away this year – and to be read in tribute to him.
The speaker: William(Bill) Becher
Torbay Interfaith Forum meeting @ Quaker Meeting House
Jan 9 @ 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Torbay Interfaith Forum invites you to

“Words, Faith and Action”

A talk by Captain  Adrian Prescott of the Anglican Church Army

7.30pm Wednesday 9th January 2019

Quaker Meeting House

48 Tor Hill Road



Torbay Interfaith Forum meeting @ Quaker Meeting House
Feb 13 @ 7:30 pm – 8:45 pm

Torbay Interfaith Forum meeting

Wednesday 13th February 2019 at 7.30pm

Quaker Meeting House, 48 Tor Hill Road, Torquay TQ2 5RT

The talk will be entitled ‘Druidry Today’

The speaker will be Sandy Buckle

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