
The Calendar below includes upcoming DFBF events and other interfaith events in Devon, and reports and photos of previous events. [There is a known bug in the calendar, and it may go blank if you try changing the date or the display view. Refreshing the page should show the new information.]

See also the Shap e-calendar of Religious Festivals, featuring dates and descriptions of festivals. It is an invaluable resource for the teaching profession, students, businesses, chaplaincies, those in health care and public services.


Not in God’s name; tackling prejudice and alienation in Devon @ Mint Methodist Church
Nov 5 @ 9:30 am – 1:00 pm


 Steve Shepherd: online extremism and radicalisation 

Sushma Sahajpal: sacredness, empathy and living well together 

Jonathan Marshall: building resilience in young people

 To book a free place, contact


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Breaking fast at Exeter Mosque @ Exeter Mosque
Jun 18 @ 7:30 pm – 10:00 pm

Invitation from Exeter Mosque:
We are inviting you to an evening with us at the Mosque. We will be fasting as it is the month of Ramadan and will break our fast with a community dinner at around 9.40pm on Sunday 18.6.17. You will have the opportunity to meet other families, enjoy the company and taste middle eastern and asian cuisine.
If you would like to attend, please reply by Sunday 11.6.17, confirming your attendance and we will provide more information closer to the time. Do also inform us of any particular diet and any other adjustments we may need to make to enhance your experience.  
We have our own car park. Additionally, there is on street parking as well as a local car park. We also have access arrangements at the Mosque.
Taha Hassan

Holocaust Memorial Day choir concert @ The Mint Methodist Church
Jan 27 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
HMD 2018: Inherit the Truth @ Exeter Cathedral
Feb 1 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Event poster: Inherit_the_Truthv1

Inherit the Truth is a unique musical and cultural event to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day 2018, taking place in at Exeter Cathedral on 1st February 2018. Participants will have the opportunity to listen to Anita Lasker-Wallfisch who is one of the few surviving members of the Auschwitz orchestra. Anita will talk about how she survived the horrors of both Auschwitz and Belsen concentration camps. This will be accompanied by music from her son, Raphael, who is a world-renowned cellist. He will play music that was played in the camps and also music that was banned by the Nazis. 

Bookings can be made through:


Keeping the Flame Alive @ online
Jan 27 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Keeping the flame alive

Musician Rosemary Schonfeld is 2nd Generation Holocaust and grew up in Canada unaware that her father was Jewish. Most

of his family was murdered in the Holocaust. After his death, she traced his former sister in-law who survived Auschwitz, her Aunt Relly, and has written a book about her journey, giving a contemporary narrative about the Holocaust. The book is titled

‘Finding Relly – My Family, the Holocaust, and me’.

Rosemary will elaborate on how she is using the book as an educational tool in raising awareness about the Holocaust and its contemporary relevance, both in schools and for adults. There will be time for questions and discussion.


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